
65% of Oregonians

Support More Wild and Scenic Rivers

65% of Oregonians support designating more Wild & Scenic Rivers, including strong majorities in every Congressional District – rural and urban; 56% of gun owners, 55% of small business owners, 62% of private property owners, 69% of hikers and rafters, 56% of off-roaders and boaters.

(Moore Information Group, January 12-14, 2021, 500 registered voters +/- 4%)

River Democracy Act: Key Benefits

Oregon’s first Wild and Scenic River was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson in 1968. In 2019, President Donald Trump added 250 new miles.

Boosting Rural Jobs & Communities

Wild & Scenic Rivers create and support jobs and boost spending in outdoor recreation, tourism, hospitality, rafting, hiking, camping, hunting, and fishing. In 2019, outdoor recreation fueled more than 224,000 Oregon jobs, generating $9.3 billion in wages and $15.6 billion in total consumer spending.

Preventing & Managing Wildfire Risks

Wild and Scenic River designations allow local forest managers to implement fire prevention measures to help reduce and manage wildfire risks on private and public lands.

Respecting Private Property and Protecting Public Lands

The River Democracy Act adds just 4% of new Wild & Scenic Rivers in Oregon while respecting private property rights and maintaining local control over land use decisions.

Public Input from Thousands of Oregonians 

The River Democracy Act is the result of nearly two years of public input from local officials and 2,500 Oregonians nominating rivers and streams for this special designation. The plan includes 4,700 new miles of proposed Wild & Scenic Rivers. While ambitious, if approved by Congress, just 4% more of Oregon rivers will enjoy Wild & Scenic designation.

Today, Less Than 2%

of Oregon Rivers

Are Designated as Wild & Scenic

Become a Champion For Oregon’s Wild and Scenic Rivers

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Just 4% More

The River Democracy Act Will Designate 4,700 Additional Miles of Wild and Scenic Rivers in Oregon – a Modest 4% Increase

Tell Congress to support The River Democracy Act introduced by Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley to add 4,700 miles of new Wild & Scenic Rivers on public lands in Oregon. It’s the result of nearly two years of public input with 2,500 Oregonians nominating their favorite rivers and streams for this special designation.

Become a Wild & Scenic River Champion

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